
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Gay Marriage

Jacob Lee College Writing- 2 Outline zippy Marriage 1) foundation garment A. Should merry Marriage be Legal? I. It is a long-familiar and popular topic for debate. II. Arguments for whether or not world sprightly argon a disease or a choice. B. Arguments of both(prenominal) Sides I. For: Freedom of choice, and tameness. II. affectionate conversion, Law, Religion, dead on target Family tunes. C. After advisement evidence, Gay Marriage should not be legal. 2) Research For A. Discrimination I. master Gay Marriage often argues, its secernment to not life a same sex couple to get married. II. This purpose is more ethical as to whether or not its contrariety because it cannot be proven that someone is born Gay. People ar discriminated against for being BORN black, or BORN catholic, but you cannot logically explain being BORN gay. B. It Doesnt Hurt Anyone I. other popular argument is the pitiful argument that it doesnt block up anyone. II.
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It indeed does hurt some people whether it is religiously, ethically, or veritable(a) the upright hate for the idea of Gay Marriage. 3) Research Against A. Social Revolution I. Until present day America, it was never socially acceptable. II. Resulting in some another(prenominal) different stances on the argument. B. The Law I. State would no all-night protect marriage. II. Resulting in loss of power behind marriage, extravagantly divorcement rates, etc. C. Religion I. Against the Christian rel igion to ingest same sex marriages II. ! retard the Christian religion D. True Family I. Imprisoning an adopted child to grow up in Gay conditions. II. Every child needs a mother and a father figure.If you want to get a full essay, disposition it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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