
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Origins Of The Universe

The ancient Mesopotamian religions were polytheistic and some of the innovation stories involving the Gods were found on clay tablets which had stemmaated from Ashurbanipals library, in the chronicles called Enuma elish (named from its first both words, meaning When on high). The tablets were written in the 7th century BC, but the root system of the text is believed to go back to at least 1500 BC - a period when Babylon was the dominant city of the region. The story begins with ii watery chaotic beings, one male and one maidenly named Apsu (sweet water) and Tiamat (salt water). From their coming together there arises a variety of oceanic monsters and perfections. In the resulting chaos Tiamat, the female creator, tries to take control. Her descendants commit together against her, choosing Marduk, the god of Babylon - to lead them. Armed with a hurricane and go a tempest drawn by four vicious steeds, Marduk meets Tiamat and her evil accomplice Kingu in battle. H e then kills them both. Marduk splits the heartrending corpse of Tiamat into two parts. From half(prenominal) of her he creates the heaven, from the other half the earth. In heaven he constructs a home daze for his equals, the gods. Realizing that they will need a race of servants, he uses the work line of Kingu to create the first man.
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This is followed by other essential tasks, such(prenominal) as the origin of rivers, plants and animals. Another well known creation story is the one claiming that humans were put to this Earth for the raise on purpose of working for the Gods. The story goes: At th e stock of snip there were only gods and g! oddesses on earth. They had to work the background to arouse crops to eat. This was difficult and they worked very hard Each god and goddess had a stemma to do. Some dug the palm and implanted the crops. Others brought water to the fields in ditches which had to be kept terminate of weeds. The work was hard, and they were not happy. They got together to discuss what could be through to lighten their workload. They...If you deficiency to get a full essay, company it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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