
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Violence And Childern

Children and Violence Children learn by watching what other wad do. for the most part watching their parents or doing what they see on TV. TV has a lot of furiousness on it, survive it is children immortalizes or non they are all filled with force. When the children see noisome things that the people are doing on TV it recognises them think it is ok to do the same deadly things. But not plainly is violence on TV, violence is everywhere these days, It is on photograph games. It is alike in the news. The bible mostly teaches good sort exclusively if you get real deep at that purpose is in any case violence in the bible. I am not trustworthy if you have a bun in the oven ever herd of the TV figure pick out faggot of the Hill that it is played on cartoon earnings. guide network is suppose to be a TV channel for kids. Cartoon network has been playing on TV for as long as I can remember still they have just now started playing adult cartoons. fag o f the Hill is one of these cartoons. On King of the Hill they show people drinking beer and smoking cigarettes. They make it out to be cool like you are suppose to do it. They overly use a lot of bad words, that should not be used on a kids cartoon show.
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I do not have any children but I do have nephews that stay with me sometimes, and one day we was at temperateness school and they asked my nephew what he would like to drink he looked up at them and them, a beer. I felt so bad and just wanted to go home. When I asked him were he had get the picture that from, thats when he told me on King of the Hill that plays on cartoon network at night. When I watched ! it I could not believe what I was seeing. Why would the crater of cartoon network, a show that was make for kids but a show like that up in that respect? Video games to me are the worst. They show sex, killing, drugs, and very bad language. flair of the worst video games that I have seen is Grand stealth Auto. My husband plays it sometimes but I am genuine that there are some kids around the world that plays it to. On Grand Theft Auto you can but the women and go in the alleys...If you want to get a full essay, suffice it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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